Metallic tile

durra Clasicdurra Convexdurra Plusdurra Olimpdurra Swavedurra D8durra D18durra D35

Tightness – The main reason for the roof is to protect the buildings body from the UV and atmospheric conditions. In the process of choising the covering material for the roof, there needs to be taken into consideration the angle of the roof as well as the geometry of it.

Durability – The roofs lifespan should be at least the same amount with the constructions body. But the materials that makes the body are not directly exposed to the UV or continuously freeze/defreeze cycles as they are protected by the roof, so here’s a reason for the roof to have a bigger lifespan.

Toughness – The roof needs the toughness to withstand the movement caused by snow’s weight, icestorm or hail and wind pressure.

Aestethics – The roof is an exterior part of the buildings’ architecture and one of the most seen parts of it. As the preferences of each individual grows, we can say that the aspect of the roof is one of the most importance.

Weight – Another important factor for the roof is the weight, which can have a direct impact on the buildings weight center.

Guarantee – The producers guarantees the roof for his entire lifespan. That’s why we need to take a good look at the guarantees longevity as well as to the conditiones of the validation of it. The guarantee needs to include the aestethics and direct distribution from the producer.

The main general colors are:

Bright red

RAL: 3000


RAL: 3005

Brown red

RAL: 3009


RAL: 3011


RAL: 5010


RAL: 6005

Mat green

RAL: 6020


RAL: 7024

Metal yellow

RAL: 8003

Brick yellow

RAL: 8004


RAL: 8017

Dark brown

RAL: 8019

Light gray

RAL: 9002


RAL: 9005


RAL: 9006

*Disclosure: The above colors have a representative purpose. For the real life color please ask a durra representative for the color chart or you can visit us at the closest Showroom. All you need to find us is the Contact page.